MYS Symphony NOTES - 2.6.19
Rehearsal plan for February 9
New section in Weekly Announcements
Reminder: Practice strategy
Reminder: NWCT "Dinosaurs!"
Rehearsal plan for Feb 2
This Saturday we will work on Max Balls's second draft during the first half of rehearsal, then we will move on to Firebird and Ibert (people who don't play Ibert are dismissed at 12:00pm). Double check rosters here.
9:30am-10:45am - Max Ball 2nd reading
- break -
11:00am-12:00pm - Firebird
12:00pm-12:30pm - Ibert
New Section in Weekly Announcements
Starting this week, look for a new section in Chris' Weekly Announcements entitled "Extra Performance Opportunities."
We will be posting opportunities to represent MYS in small performances that will allow us to serve others through our music. Recent examples have been performances at shelters, retirement homes, fundraising events for local non-profits, etc.
Please look out for those. Thanks.
Reminder: Practice strategy
Just posting this again from last week, in case you missed it:
I would like to suggest a practice strategy for your orchestra music. Like I've said many times, you should come to rehearsal with your individual part fully learned. Rehearsals are NOT to learn your own part, they are to learn everybody else's part.
I think of practicing in 3 stages:
1. Figuring out: this is your first phase. You're figuring out notes, fingerings, rhythms, dynamics. Nothing should be left to chance. It helps A LOT to listen to recordings (different recordings of the same piece).
2. Slow practice/mindful repetition: Once you've figured out *what* you're going to do in step 1, now you actually PRACTICE it. You've read this before (or heard it from me): slow practice makes for fast progress. Fast practice makes for slow progress. USE YOUR METRONOME.
3. Polishing/maintenance: Now you can worry about bringing things up to tempo, and work on nuances. Once you've gotten as close as possible to mastering a passage, come back to it often. Every now and then, slow it down, deconstruct it, bring it back up to speed.
Suggested strategy for MYS music:
Aim to practice your orchestra music for a minimum of 30 minutes EVERY DAY (except your day off).
1. Sunday: day off
2. Monday through Wednesday: practice what we worked on at the last rehearsal. On Wednesday, read my blog posts/notes.
3. Wednesday through Friday: practice what we will be working on at the next rehearsal
4. Saturday: rehearsal!! You'll feel so good that you're well prepared.
Reminder: NWCT's "Dinosaurs!"
In preparation for our collaboration with Northwest Children's Theatre, we plan to go see "Dinosaurs!" at NWCT on Sunday, February 17 at 2:00pm. After the show, we will get an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of NWCT and we'll get to meet a few of the "Starlings" who will be performing with us in March.
This is not a required activity, but highly recommended. If you're available, please mark your calendars and purchase your tickets online with the discount code below.
What: The Starlings Present: Dinosaurs! - followed by backstage tour and talkback with teen and adult actors and puppeteers.
When: February 17th at 2pm
Where: Northwest Children’s Theater, 1819 NW Everett Street, Portland, OR 97209
Discount Code: MYSymphony for special price $12 tickets. Buy online or call 503-222-2190.
Parents: I still need 3 parent volunteers to come and help manage the group. Each parent volunteer will get a complimentary ticket. Please e-mail me to let me know if you can come help out.
Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) when he was about your age (1900s). Can you imagine him at MYS?
Thanks and see you Saturday!!
Dr. G.