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Seating Auditions for March Concert

Hello everybody,

It's that time again!

Seating audition videos for our March concert are due Wednesday, January 15 at 11:59:59pm. No late submissions will be accepted for any reason whatsoever. Please, please, please, don't leave this for the last minute. My recommendation: submit sometime before our January 12 concert. Part of what we are doing here is learning to work with deadlines. Plan ahead and follow directions:

1. Record your video on your phone.

2. Upload your video to YouTube.

3. E-mail your link to

Additional tips here available here.

Audition Repertoire: Hooray for Hollywood

- Record the entirety of your assigned part for the January 12 concert.

- If you have more than a couple of bars of rest, just pause for a moment, then continue with your next entrance. Use your judgment. You can always e-mail me if you have a question.

- Reference recording here.


Dr. G.

Example of good framing. More tips here.


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